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- Professor David Gunnell (SASH Lead): retired
- Dr Jane Derges (researcher): retired
- Dr Elystan Roberts (PhD student): Clinical Psychologist in training
- Dr Abby Russell (researcher): Senior Lecturer in Child and Adolescent Mental Health at the University of Exeter and NIHR Advanced Fellow
- Dr Sarah Watkins (researcher): Senior Research Associate in Epigenetic Epidemiology at the University of Bristol
- Dr Kyla Thomas (PhD student): Consultant Senior Lecturer in Public Health Medicine
- Dr Robert Carroll (PhD student): Director, Epidemiology, Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Dr Sarah Bell (PhD student)
- Dr Galit Geulayov (PhD student): Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
- Professor Shu-Sen Chang (PhD student and researcher): National Taiwan University
- Dr Nicos Middleton (PhD student and researcher): Associate Professor, Cyprus University of Technology
- Dr Mona Jeffreys, (PhD student): Victoria University of Wellington
- Dr Steven Oliver (PhD student): Honorary Senior Lecturer in Population Health at Hull York Medical School
- Dr Adrienne Cullum (PhD student): Head of Nutrition Science, Dept of Health and Social Care
- Professor Margaret Watson (PhD student): University of Strathclyde/Watson Research and Training Limited